1st Baptist Church
Monday, March 10, 2025
Preaching the Word of Truth (2 Tim 4:2) & CUTTING IT STRAIGHT (2 Tim. 2:15)
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Daybreak Breakfast Fellowship
We meet the first Saturday of every month (excluding January & July) to enjoy a hearty meal ranging from Bacon, Eggs, Potatoes, and Pancakes to Biscuits and Gravy, Sausage, Pastries, and Fresh Fruit. An RSVP is not required. This ministry provides opportunity for fellowship, serving one another, and reaching unsaved family and friends. 
Fellowship: Breakfast begins at 8:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall followed by Worship and a Message, guest speakers are invited throughout the year
Serving: Cooking and set up begin at 7:00 AM followed by break down and clean up by 10:00 AM
Outreach: Please invite saved and unsaved neighbors, family, and friends. Our focus is not only to strengthen believers but also to preach the gospel message of salvation through Jesus Christ to the lost
Donations are accepted to help support this ministry, but are not required