1st Baptist Church
Monday, March 10, 2025
Preaching the Word of Truth (2 Tim 4:2) & CUTTING IT STRAIGHT (2 Tim. 2:15)
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Seasonal Ministries
Several ministry opportunities present themselves each year, here are a few...
Rummage Sale - January & June: Once and sometimes twice a year, we empty our closets and garages and hold a huge rummage sale in the Fellowship Hall. We collect clothing, furniture, household goods, knick knacks, even exercise equipment. Bring it, we can sell it. We also need servants to set up, welcome buyers, ring up sales, help carry purchased items, and clean up. It's a great opportunity to fellowship and share the Gospel with visiting non-believers.
Bible Bee - June, July, and August: Being a host for the National Bible Bee is no small task. This year we will plan and host 2 encourager meetings and an awards ceremony for registered families. Servants are needed to plan, set up, welcome families, run activities, serve lunch, act as judges, and clean up. Although we are usually exhausted by the end of the day, it is a great blessing to see so many young believers dedicated to learning God's word and writing it on the tablets of their hearts. 
Shoebox Packing Party - November: Each year we gather together to pack shoeboxes. Donations are accepted to cover the cost of shipping as requested by Samaritan's Purse. Donations of suggested items are also collected, but not necessary. Funds collected from our Recycling Ministry are dedicated to this effort each year. We rely on God to provide what we need, just come with a heart to serve and share in the fellowship and snacks, which are provided.