1st Baptist Church
Monday, March 10, 2025
Preaching the Word of Truth (2 Tim 4:2) & CUTTING IT STRAIGHT (2 Tim. 2:15)
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Music Ministry
Our congregation has been blessed with musicians and singers who volunteer their time each week to serve in the Music Ministry. Although these individuals form the worship team, we are always looking for anyone willing to share their talents. Currently we have two piano players and a guitarist. We would love to add some percussion or any other instrument in our worshipping the Lord.
Sound Board
Each week the sound board crew sets up microphones, monitors, and other equipment used by the worship team. They also make any adjustments to the sound board and record the message on a Master CD and make copies if needed.
Other Events
Musicians can also serve by leading worship for our other gatherings such as Daybreak or Women's Fellowships.
Special Music
Each week, there is time in our scheduled service for Special Music. This time is provided for anyone, in or not in the worship team, to share a special song. It can be a solo sung to a CD recording, a duet, or even a song played on the piano. We are blessed to share in anyone's worship who wants to share their gift with us. Special Music is pre-planned so if you have something to share, please speak to the Music Director, Bob Greenside, and he will schedule you. One last "note", any one of our musicians will be more than happy to learn the song and play it for you when you sing, if you don't have a CD, just ask one and provide some notice.