1st Baptist Church
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Preaching the Word of Truth (2 Tim 4:2) & CUTTING IT STRAIGHT (2 Tim. 2:15)
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The Statement Of Faith of the First Baptist Church of Rialto includes:
  • The Bible
  • God
    • God the Father
    • God the Son
    • God the Holy Spirit
  • Salvation
    • Man
    • Salvation
    • Regeneration
    • Election
    • Justification
    • Sanctification
    • Security
    • Separation
  • The Church
  • Angels
    • Holy Angels
    • Fallen Angels
  • Last Things (Eschatology)
    • Death
    • The Rapture of the Church
    • The Tribulation Period
    • The Second Coming and the Millennial Reign
    • The Judgment of the Lost
    • Eternity
Scripture references are provided